- Cover
- Editorial
- Materials
- A production attempt of selected metallic glasses with Fe and Ni matrix
W. Pilarczyk, R. Nowosielski, R. Babilas (Poland)
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 41/1 January 2010 - Magnetic induction of polymer composites filled with ferrite powders
J. Stabik, A. Dybowska, J. Pluszyński, M. Szczepanik, Ł. Suchoń (Poland)
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 41/1 January 2010 - Properties
- The analysis of the electrode potential shift in the examination of plastic-covered metal fatigue strength
K. Jamroziak, W. Jargulinski (Poland)
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 41/1 January 2010 - Quantitative analysis of the fibre content distribution in CFRP composites using thermal non-destructive testing
G. Wróbel, Z.M. Rdzawski, G. Muzia, S. Pawlak (Poland)
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 41/1 January 2010 - Methodology of research, analysis and modelling
- Performance properties and structure of electrochemically aged polypropylene with a dye addition
A. Gnatowski, J. Wawrzyniak, T. Jaruga (Poland)
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 41/1 January 2010 - Expandable intramedullary nail - experimental biomechanical evaluation
A. Kajzer, W. Kajzer, J. Marciniak (Poland)
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 41/1 January 2010 - Materials manufacturing and processing
- Indexes
- Publisher's notice
- Editor's notice
- Back cover