- Cover
- Editorial pages
- Materials
- Methodology of research,analysis and modelling
- Mathematical modelling of hot plastic deformation of Ti-V and Ti-Nb-V microalloyed steels
M. Opiela (Poland) Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 72/2 april 2015 - A study on on-line mathematical model to control of bead width for arc welding process (FSP)
J.S. Son, J.P. Lee, M.H. Park, D.H. Kim, B.J. Jin, K.S. Ki, C.G. Kim, I.S. Kim (South Korea) Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 72/2 april 2015 - Materials manufacturing and processing
- Surface modification of a duplex stainless steel for plastic-metal hybrid parts
M.E. Sotomayor, J. Sanz, A. Cervera, B. Levenfeld, A. Várez (Spain) Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, AMSE, vol. 72/2 april 2015 - Indexes
- Publisher`s notice
- Editor`s notice
- Back cover